Friday 6 May 2011

Gifted: Climbing the ladder of success

 REBEL: Rules Eliminated Because Everything Lives – I don’t have rules, rules are set by the living (we are all living) so why should I listen to another person’s version/idea of right/wrong?

Up and coming music producer Gifted has been on the fringe of the music industry for a number of years, grafted his way to the forefront, the young and talented producer holds music close to his heart and believes that his raw talent and skill will be recognised by the mainstream.

“I’ve always loved music my whole life & I would say it’s always been a big part of me but I decided to pursue a career in it at the age of around 14-15. I started off just writing lyrics & learning my favourite songs by reading the inlay booklets. After a year or so I decided I want to actually make music so I picked up some software from a friend then started making hip-hop/garage music just to show my friends for fun.

However, things changed by my final year of high school - I knew this was what I wanted to do forever and the rest (as they say) is history. I am now a Producer/Composer/Songwriter & Engineer.”

Believing that his music does not conform to any set genre and that actions speak louder than words

“Conform isn’t a word I can ever warm to as my whole persona is based on individualism and self expression but if you wanted to find my music in a record store, it would be under the Hip-Hop/Urban or even R&B category although I would like to say, it’s far from the norm. I think I’d prefer to let time answer how I’m going to stand out. It’s one thing to say I’m going to be different and do new things but actions speak louder than words! Let’s say there will only ever be ONE me and when people see what I’m bringing to music people will be taken back.”

Influenced by a variety of artists, including the late Michael Jackson, the renegade producer feels that there are no rules to the music game as he continues to make his mark.

“My biggest influences musically are Michael Jackson (who I would like to dedicate this interview too R.I.P) and Quincy Jones. There understanding of music is unmatched even to this date, however there are others that come closer than most, such as Kanye West, Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins & The Neptunes. People like Pharrell (Of The Neptunes) & Kanye have shaped my music/indentity in the sense that, they showed me that it’s ok to be me when I’m making music. I don’t have to have rules to abide by; they showed me music is about feeling. When you hear stuff from me in the future, you WILL feel it.”

Gifted has grand plans for the future, from having already worked with Grammy nominated artists; including Swizz from So Solid Crew the producer is working hard to lay down the foundations for his career and believes that his rebel tendencies will bring him favour among his peers.

“I believe I am a Rebel. Very much so, it may come down to my upbringing or simply because I’ve heard so many, “NO’S” that I grew older and thought, “I don’t care anymore”, I want a YES from situations so I’m going to create one. The two people I listen to most often are God and my Mother.”

With big goals and high expectations Gifted his aiming high and is looking to create his own brand and identity to share with the world and wants his music to connect with people.

“I wouldn’t say I plan to be, ‘Signed’ per say, as I’m contemplating starting something on my own two feet from the ground up however, if I decide that I DO want a production deal – When that happens, you will see a LOT of change. I PROMISE!

To be ultimately blunt, as any passionate musician would say – I aspire to be a great. There’s more than 10 things I could list that I would plan to do once signed but the main one is to, show the world why God put me on this planet. I stand for more than just music, although I’m not an artist – I want to be one of the first producers to really connect & engage with people and allow them to be motivated by work ethic & attitude and show them that ‘Impossible’ really means “I-M-POSSIBLE” (I am possible).”

Having already worked with a host of well known and talented artists Gifted is setting his sights high when it comes to his aspirations of working with other established artists, and continues to pledge his support to the UK Asian Music scene.

“Not so much the Asian Music Industry (work with) although I will say I do have love for them, however mainstream wise – I would love to work with many artists, including the likes of Beyonce/Drake/Chris Brown but then there’s also other artist’s like Tinie Tempah & B.O.B that I would also like to work with!

I’ve already worked with big names from Konvict Records (Sway), Jive Records (Huey Ent) as well people like Giggs, Wretch 32 & So Solid Crew but there’s still a lot of people to work with yet!”

The young producer feels that there is still a lot that needs changing in the music industry and feels that the boundaries and genres should be more clearly defined to help promote artists and help them break through.

“I would like to see less of the somewhat robotic duplication of this new wave of ‘urban music’ which is actually pop because if people like myself are trying to bring back the essence of it all, certain artists are pushing it even further back & people in those kind of positions make it harder for people still on the come up.

Of course commerical mass appeal is what any artist needs if they want to make money, I just wish we was back in the era where you didn’t have to conform your sound to make money.

It would be good if everyone were to be themselves because each person has a beautiful perspective deep down, they just need to take the shutter of their lens & see things clearly for once & not be blinded by the lights (literally) – Think about that one.”

Twitter: @GiftedTheGreat
Facebook: ravgiftedchana

Work enquiries:

Pop Couture: Beauty divine

REBEL: Real, Energetic, Brave, Everlasting + Loved-  A Rebel goes against the grain, doesn’t conform, strives to prove and does whatever it takes to get to their destination

For the past six years singer Kazz Kumar has been breaking boundaries since her days as a member of a girl band and then part of the hugely popular ensemble, the Sona Family. Now a solo artist, Kazz reflects upon her humble beginnings, her exposure to different types of music and her instant fascination with performing to an audience:

“I started really young. My parents used to play a lot of different genres of music at home. I was brought up around great music! I started singing in youth choirs and in small theatre productions, even got the chance to sing solo at Disneyland!

I auditioned here and there and became a member of a girl band for a year. I left to join Sona Family back in 2005! I started working on my solo project at the end of 2008 and I’m still on the hustle, working on my album and on other artist’s projects!”

Being a non conformist when it comes to personality, fashion and music, Kazz is not one to shy away from the limelight and media attention as the singer/ songwriter explains:

“My music is edgy pop! I write my own songs so they all have the ‘Kazz’ stamp on them! I think my personality comes through in all my tracks and I have a different look/style in comparison to the other artists. I believe it’s really important to have your own ‘swagga’, there’s no point in being a cookie cutter type, where’s the fun in that?”

Kazz looks up to artists who she feels that have shaped her music and identity and helped her become the unique singer she is today 

“I look up to Michael Jackson, Madonna, Boy George and Cyndi Laupar! They were my heroes as I was growing up! When I got older I was listening to a lot of Alanis Morrisette, Linkin Park, Aaliyah and Robyn. Real music, real creative people”

Reflecting on the importance of being signed and the artists she would like to work with Kazz is clearly a woman who knows where she is going and is not afraid to say it like it is.

“I plan to work even harder than I already do! Being signed isn’t everything; it doesn’t mean you can relax. I aim to work work and work to represent what us Urban Asian artists can do, plus I’d love to prove people wrong, and those who didn’t believe in me. People I’d love to work with such as David Guetta, Red One and LMFAO! Oh and Plan B but only because I have a huge crush on him! I’m excited about Jernade Miah’s project, he’s a real talent.”

The UK Asian Music Award (AMA) nominated singer explains how she feels the state of the Asian music is prime for a big change.

“Urban artists need to be given their own TV music channel and radio station. Promoters need to pay artists to perform. Real talent needs to be highlighted. Those who create out of blood, sweat and tears, they are the REAL artists.”

The young, talented, sexy and hip artist has joined forces with established producer Young Archie from Young Archie Assignment to produce ‘In My Head’ which is billed to be a classic summer tune with a dub step twist. Keep your eye out for Kazz Kumar!