Tuesday 2 November 2010

Enter: Kane Hustle

'Being a rebel is a positive thing, it means going through with what you believe in. These days that's a rare quality'

Hip Hop producer Kane Hustle has been heavily inspired by music ever since an early age; the Asian producer has enjoyed music in all aspects of his life and found it his calling.

“Music has always been a massive part of my life, through my culture, peers, and even my religion; it’s a huge part of daily life for me. I brought a few instruments when I was like 9-years old and it just spiralled from there. When I turned 15, after I brought my first pair of decks, I distinctly remember wanting to become a music producer. I always wanted to be the maestro behind the music the person who pieces everything together and since then it’s just been something that’s inseparable from me.”

Kane believes in his unique style of music and feels that Hip Hop music today is lacking ‘soul’- and that evoking emotion with variety and creative freedom is the key to producing a solid track.

“My specialism is Hip Hop, it draws on Electronica because of the sounds I use, but basically, its Hip Hop. In my opinion the beauty of this music is, is that you can use sounds and instruments from any source in the world, there’s no rules with Hip Hop, it’s not too dissimilar to what Asians have done with Punjabi music in the UK except there is more creative freedom.

My music is definitely different; you’ll know a Kane Hustle beat when you hear it. Everything I do has to have the ability to evoke an emotion and right now, Hip Hop is missing that these days- it’s too ‘soft’ - nothing comes from the soul. Everyone is too busy trying to make money, which is fine, I understand, but as a fan, it means there is little diversity or variety. I think that everyone is trying the same formulas.”

Influenced by a plethora of different artists and producers both Asian and mainstream Kane has a lot of respect for those unique artists that have shaped the industry in the past years and feels that his identity is shaped by those vibes.

“I was born and raised on Hip Hop. Without sounding corny it saved my life; in many ways it supported me when I was down, lifted me up when I needed it and helped shape the man I am today. I guess it’s not strictly the music, but the poets behind the music who have helped do that. I’m influenced by everything around me- I draw positive vibes from everything and anything in life.

People like Dr Dre, Daz Dillinger, Pete Rock, Lil Jon, Alchemist, Neptunes, Scott Storch, Punjabi mc are all people who have really influenced me on my musical journey. I look up to those producers and marvel at some of the work they have made over the years, but there’s a lot of up and coming producers/artists who influence me and surprisingly, a lot of them come from the UK. Musical talent is in abundance. That’s what keeps you humble, there’s an ocean of music out there.”

Taking his craft seriously, Kane plans to establish himself as a solid figure in the Hip Hop scene and is continually finding new ways to express himself through his art.

“I want be a master at my art and I visualise myself taking my talent to a universal scale, I would be happy to just be earning a living doing what I love, but I want my music to carry me into other avenues and open up other doors. I also love writing poetry and because, generally, I’m a deep thinker, being able to convey this into raps- and then fuse this into my music, is something which I seriously look forward to doing in the future.”

Kane believes in the ethos of Rebellion and Revolution and sees it as a positive thing whereby that sometimes, in order to make a chance one must turn their back on the norm to get noticed.

"Rebel in the general sense of the word means someone who goes against convention, the norm and does what he or she wants to as long as you’re not intentionally hurting someone, being a rebel is a positive thing; it means going through with what you believe in. These days- that’s a rare quality people possess.

I’ve always been a rebel never been one to care what people think. I’ve never intentionally hurt. Once I set my sights on something, I will make sure I achieve it. I’m not one for settling or following society.

If something doesn’t sit well with me, I won’t do it, especially in my music career- being a full time musician, is- in many ways- a massive sacrifice for me and going totally against the norm of the people around me.
Signed or not signed, I want to make good music, create a following of loyal fans, grow musically and then make great music until, as I said, I become a master of my art. I just want to keep learning, absorbing and growing."


