Thursday 15 July 2010

Introducing..... Taz Khan

‘A rebel is someone who is in your face, tells you like it is, somebody who doesn’t take crap, somebody who will do anything to be noticed.’

Singer Taz Khan discovered his passion for music from a young age and believes that it’s these experiences, coupled with awe inspiring role models that have helped shape him into the artist he is today.

“At a really young age I was a big fan of MJ (Michael Jackson) his voice his dance moves and his look. He became an inspiration to me; he is the reason why I got into the music business. Another reason I wanted to become a singer is because my dad was a singer in Pakistan, I’d always hear him singing, and my mum also had a really good voice so I grew up with people singing in my family.”

The young R’n’B singer believes that his unique style and embrace of different musical influences helps him stand out from the crowd and away from the certain clichés and pitfalls in other industries.

“I want to use my style of music and my vocals and with the help of my producer Raja D and work with different genres or music e.g. Dub Step, Baseline, Electro Drum and Bass as well as Rock. I want to move away from the Dhol and folk style music because in my mind it is dead. Most artists in the Asian music industry are playing with the classic folk style music, I want to break away from that and work with different genres of music, bring a new feel into the Asian industry. I want to be a bit daring.

My influences as I have mentioned include Michael Jackson, Neyo, Drake and Timbaland, Michael Jackson set a standard in the music world he was in your face he did what he did and set a trend I want to be just like that but do that in the songs I sing the music me and my producer make the different genres we play with, we want people to think wow that’s impressive we want to do things that have never been done before we want and will set a trend in the music industry.

Timbaland also set a standard in the music business one of the first people in the Hip Hop scene to use Asian/Indian music in his track ‘Indian flute’ and make it a massive hit in the US. Neyo is a legend, his style of music his look and his vocals make him stand out from all the crowd and Drake well his voice is unique, and he’s an amazing in your face rapper /singer.”

Taz Khan has a lot of respect for the Asian music industry, but believes that it is time for a change. If had a choice he would choose a few established people already active to help him on this groundbreaking quest:

“At this moment there are only three people in the music industry who I think I could work with, Roach Killa, who is a legend, if he works with the right people he could be a bigger star than he is now. I’m talking about the UK scene; the guy has unlimited talent and seems like a good guy. He is without a doubt the best rapper that has ever come into the Asian industry. He has set a standard.
Rishi Rich has worked hard producing music for some of the biggest names and he has an eye for talent. He was also the first person in the UK Asian scene to make sum of the best tracks ever heard, in my opinion he is much underrated- I would compare him to the Timbaland of the UK.
Also, Eren E, who is Imran Khan’s producer, this guy is an incredible producer working with electro working with different sounds different feels of music. He put Imran Khan on the map and yet can you believe that he hasn’t yet won an award.”

The daring singer has grand ambitions for the future, setting his own trends and creating a niche for his music to thrive in.

“In 10 years time I see myself as part of a revolution in the music industry, a part of a group who believe in changing the music industry, I see myself still singing making songs and also helping people who I believe can change the industry.”

Having all the tools he requires to begin on his journey of self expression, it’s the paper kind (being signed) that is one of the ultimate accomplishments for an artist to make it in the music industry, Taz has many plans for his music once he is signed and hopes to change the landscape of the industry he is part of.

“Once I am signed I plan on working with my producer Raja D putting my blood sweat and tears and making a killer album with different feels of music putting different styles of music experimenting with different sounds that will change the music industry forever, it’s time for a change.”